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Is Your Kid a Hacker?
News Posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 19, @09:41PM
from the stuff-to-read dept.
JimBobJoe writes "Here is a cutesy little article from an ex-cracker on how to tell if your son or daughter has become a cracker...and what exactly to do about it." When I started with BBSing (11 or so years ago?) any kid who had a modem was instantly assumed to be hacking banks from their basements. At least that has changed.

Gimp and Red Hat Linux win awards
Linux Posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 19, @09:37PM
from the cool-software-should-be-rewarded dept.
Con Zymaris wrote in to tell us that APC (Australian Personal Computer Magazine) has Given some awards to a few familiar faces: Productivity Sofware of 1998 to The Gimp and their Just Plain Cool Award 1998 to Red Hat Linux 5.1

Play Unreal Under Linux?
Games Posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 19, @09:34PM
from the can-it-be? dept.
A.C. writes "I guess somebody finally tried it - you can play Unreal in Linux via WINE! Posted on Linux Games with a screenshot to prove it! " So is this a hoax? I sure hope not.

Pokey the Penguin hits 200 Episodes
It's funny.  Laugh. Posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 19, @06:25PM
from the strange-things-on-the-net dept.
Several people wrote in to tell us that Pokey the Penguin has released its 200th cartoon. If you haven't read Pokey, you probably should give it a shot. It's definitely one of the strangest things I've encountered on the net.

Programming in GTK, The Novel
X Posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 19, @06:22PM
from the stuff-to-read dept.
Reset writes "Eric Harlow is writing a book about GTK / Windows GUI development under Linux. The book is not complete yet but he has posted the completed chapters on his web page. He already covers GLIB, GTK and how to get started programing with them. If the book fleshes out as he plans (he has a page on the purpose and what he plans for the book also) It may be much easier to for newbies to start creating Apps for Linux."

Franhofer's response to free MP3 encoder writers
The Almighty Buck Posted by sengan on Monday October 19, @03:43PM
from the Restrict-patents-to-commercial-efforts-only? dept.
My eagerly awaited copy of C'T has arrived, and in it there is a short interview with Martin Sieler, multimedia software lead at the Franhofer Institute. The topic was Franhofer's demand for patent license fees on free MP3 encoders. In it Sieler disputes that the encoders were free because the internet sites distributing them made money on the banner advertisements. He also discusses the newest MPEG standard (MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding -- also to be in MPEG-4): a refinement of the MPEG-1 layer 3 technology (MP3), it will provide even higher compression rates for the same audio quality. As with MP3 unlicensed encoders will be illegal, but unlike MP3 no free decoders will be tolerated... S: I find the ISO's current trend of accepting standards which cannot be implemented without violating patents worrisome. While I agree with some readers that a lot of work goes into this type of research I disagree that the key elements are inventions: they are discoveries about how human perception works. As a result, an unrestricted alternative (like gzip was to pkzip) should not only be possible, but encouraged. What do you think?

Coldfusion for Linux
Linux Posted by sengan on Monday October 19, @01:44PM
from the you-got-it dept.
Recently many people have been asking for a port of Coldfusion to Linux. Allaire has just announced it will do just that. Thanks Jeremy! There is no definite release date yet since Coldfusion relies on third party products which will have to be ported or replaced. Note that this port came about because of user demand. You have a voice: use it!

Themes for BeOS
Be Posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 19, @12:40PM
from the everybody's-doin-it dept.
jmc writes "It looks like Be is going to be incorporating a limited kind of theme support for their next release. Basically, your window decorations can be altered to mimic those of either MacOS, AmigaOS or Win98. I'd imagine futher variations could be created as well. Check out some screen shots here at BeView under the Sunday news. "

Rio MP3 Player On Hold
Technology Posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 19, @11:34AM
from the this-is-not-cool dept.
Kevin writes "The Diamond Rio is being put on hold due to a court order. I really don't understand how it is even possible. If this is successful can they outlaw CD players and VCR's just because they can play illegally copied material? " Personally, I'm willing to buy one of those Rio's just to make a statement against the RIAA goobers who are making this messy. Note to RIAA:The way you do business is going to die. The Rio is just the first step- wait until Radio moves to the Internet. Why would I listen to WXYZ when wxyz.com will play my exact choice of music? Why would I buy a physical object at all? The future is gonna be great: on demand media will make accessing music better for the everyone. Stop trying to protect your ass with lawsuits and instead try to win the new game by offering consumers what we want. Release all your music as MP3 and figure out a better way to profit then the existing distribution system that rips off the artists, and makes things unecessarily expensive and difficult for consumers. Soapbox mode off.

Colgate-Palmolive Lawsuit Dropped
The Internet Posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 19, @11:19AM
from the celebrate-good-times dept.
Mark Corner was the first among about 50 people to write in to tell us that Colgate Palmolive has decided to leave ajax.org alone. Nice to see the little guys win one.

Linux 2.2 Preview
Linux Posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 19, @10:50AM
from the stuff-to-read dept.
Freud writes "There's a nice article on linuxtoday about the upcoming 2.2 kernel. It talks about all the new things featured in the kernel (and also about some old stuff ;-))."

Clones of Clones
Science Posted by CmdrTaco on Monday October 19, @10:02AM
from the so-what-did-you-do-this-weekend dept.
zeta writes "A team of scientists led by Ryuzo Yanagimachi of Hawaii University, have now cloned clones. They have reproduced over 50 mice that genetically match their sister/parent, sister/grandparent and sister/great-grandparent."

Ask Slashdot: Linux in the Corporation
Linux Posted by Cliff on Monday October 19, @01:57AM
from the it-IS-an-enterprise-OS! dept.
Ross Thompson has this question for you all: "I'm a consultant in the DFW, Texas area and have been tasked with cutting IT costs for a large (600+ users) Fortune 1000 company. Currently the company running NT/Novell networks and WinFrame. DHCP is being utilized for WinFrame. All clients are running NT Workstation 4.0. At this point, management isn't too happy with Microsoft, since they spend millions of dollars each year in clients licenses and support costs. I would (maybe) like to suggest going with Linux clients to save these costs." Sound interesting? Well, click below!

Techies Slaving Away
News Posted by sengan on Sunday October 18, @10:05PM
from the high-pay-but-no-free-time dept.
William Hood writes " I wanted to submit this story from CNN about the tendency for IT workers to wind up putting in 60 hour work weeks, that are paid as only 40. This article was enough for me to wonder if it's time to finally bring unions into the tech industry. It is well known that most of the people who work at Microsoft essentially have no life outside of work. I heard a rumor that Bill Gates and friends once called a large meeting on Easter Sunday. While it is true that some techies may put in an entire month of 16 hour days to put some video game on the web to show their friends (I did this once), it is unreasonable that employers expect this of us all the time. We don't need the divorce rate amoung IT professionals to keep going up." S: I notice that my productivity falls and my bug-rate goes up if I overwork. I end up spending even more time trying to fix the bugs I've just introduced -- a nasty vicious cycle. What about you? Also do you think unions would improve matters?


Presenting his findings about trying to integrate Linux/GNU desktops into mainstream government use, Lyno Sullivan sent this one in.

It's known that the Freedows group has split into two groups, but the Alliance has sent a position paper from the Ambassador Davis Ray Sickmon, Jr.

Jeremy Arnold has written a feature about on what he calls LUTE- the Linux Usability Testing and Evaluation project.

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